Sequence Test

Easy level

This level will only have simple sequences, all answers are guaranteed to have at most 3 digits. If you want to select which tests are used, you can set up a custom exercise.

Medium level

This level has medium hard exercises; this is harder than the basic because the answers will have at most 4 digits. If you want to select which tests are used, you can set up a custom exercise.

Hard level

This level has harder exercises, the answers will have at at most 4 digits. If you want to select which tests are used, you can set up a custom exercise.

Hard level + non math sequences

This has more possible exercises than the hard level. The answers can have at most 4 digits. If you want to select which tests are used, you can set up a custom exercise.

250 ) { $_GET['questionCount'] = 25; } if( ! isset( $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] ) || ! is_numeric( $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] ) || $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] <= 0 || $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] > 10 || $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] > count($primes) ) { $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] = 4; } if( ! isset( $_GET['maxAddSubValue'] ) || ! is_numeric( $_GET['maxAddSubValue'] ) || $_GET['maxAddSubValue'] <= 0 || $_GET['maxAddSubValue'] > 9999 ) { $_GET['maxAddSubValue'] = 9; } if( ! isset( $_GET['maxMultDivValue'] ) || ! is_numeric( $_GET['maxMultDivValue'] ) || $_GET['maxMultDivValue'] <= 1 || $_GET['maxMultDivValue'] > 9999 ) { $_GET['maxMultDivValue'] = 9; } if( ! isset( $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] ) || ! is_numeric( $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] ) || $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] <= 0 || $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] > 10 ) { $_GET['minExampleSequenceLength'] = 5; } if( ! isset( $_GET['maxAnswerLength'] ) || ! is_numeric( $_GET['maxAnswerLength'] ) || $_GET['maxAnswerLength'] <= 0 || $_GET['maxAnswerLength'] > 20 ) { $_GET['maxAnswerLength'] = 3; } if( ! isset( $_GET['minStartValue'] ) || ! is_numeric( $_GET['minStartValue'] ) || $_GET['minStartValue'] <= 0 || $_GET['minStartValue'] > 9999 ) { $_GET['minStartValue'] = 1; } if( ! isset( $_GET['maxStartValue'] ) || ! is_numeric( $_GET['maxStartValue'] ) || $_GET['maxStartValue'] <= 0 || $_GET['maxStartValue'] > 9999 ) { $_GET['maxStartValue'] = 17; } if( $_GET['maxStartValue'] < $_GET['minStartValue'] ) { $_GET['minStartValue'] = 1; $_GET['maxStartValue'] = 17; } if( ! isset( $_GET['mode'] ) || ( $_GET['mode'] != 'test' && $_GET['mode'] != 'practice' ) ) { $_GET['mode'] = 'practice'; } if( ! isset( $_GET['useTwoOperations'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['usePrimeDifference'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useSquaresDifference'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useTwoSequences'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useFractions'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useFractionsAlternatingSigns'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useTwoTermSingleOperand'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useThreeSequence'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useThreeSequenceAlternatingSigns'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useNumberEngLength'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useEngWordLength'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useMonthsFirstLetter'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useAsciiOrd'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['usePerDigitSequence'] ) && ! isset( $_GET['useThreeDigitPattern'] ) ) { $_GET['useTwoOperations'] = "on"; $_GET['usePrimeDifference'] = "on"; $_GET['useSquaresDifference'] = "on"; $_GET['useTwoSequences'] = "on"; $_GET['useFractions'] = "on"; $_GET['useFractionsAlternatingSigns'] = "on"; $_GET['useTwoTermSingleOperand'] = "on"; $_GET['useThreeSequence'] = "on"; $_GET['useThreeSequenceAlternatingSigns'] = "on"; $_GET['useNumberEngLength'] = "on"; $_GET['useEngWordLength'] = "on"; $_GET['useMonthsFirstLetter'] = "on"; $_GET['useAsciiOrd'] = "on"; $_GET['usePerDigitSequence'] = "on"; $_GET['useThreeDigitPattern'] = "on"; } // Show setup? if( isset( $_GET['showSetup'] ) ) { ?> Set up exercise

In practice mode the answers are selectable on the same page and no scoring will be done. In test mode you need to click a "Finished" button and your score will be calculated.

Start values
Biggest absolute number with which any + or - is done (>0).
Biggest absolute number with which any * or / is done (>1).

Answer & complexity
Guarantee for at least this many examples
(total # of digits)

Two operations, x and +/-

Mix of two operations, +, -, *, /


Specials and logic


You get one point for every correct answer, unlike the math test there is no negative score.


You are allowed to change your answers and there will be no checks if you're not cheating. Once you're done click on the finished page to see your score. Answers with a decimal part always require a leading token (which can be zero) and the decimal sign is the dot. There is no thousands separator. Examples: 0.001 10.3 34
